Friday, May 8, 2015

New OlapUnderground Utility - The Essbase Outline Viewer

Have you ever wanted your users to see an Essbase database outline structure, but had trouble giving them access to Essbase Administrative Services ("EAS") for fear that they may have access to change things they shouldn't change?  Maybe you didn't want to give them EAS and have to deal with the version of Java installed on their machine?  We have the solution to your problems.  After a bit of fits and starts, we have finally released the OlapUnderground Essbase Outline Viewer!

The OlapUnderground Essbase Outline Viewer is a read-only user interface built specifically to view the contents of an Essbase outline.  It is built in Microsoft .NET technology and should run on any Windows-based computer without any special downloads.  It also uses the MaxL outline xml format and, as your Hyperion administrators can create and distribute the outline xml file, end users do not need an Essbase login to view the outline.

Here is a screenshot of the Outline Viewer:

Click image to see it full-size

You can download the Essbase Outline Viewer from our website at  Let us know what you think!


kw said...

Very nice and long overdue. I do think some end users need visibility to the outline. I don't think granting EAS access is the correct way to do that. Great job, looks good!

Unknown said...

Awesome utility! Any thoughts on being able to tap into HFM as well? Would love to give a one stop shop for our users to see the structures of all EPM products.


Tim Tow said...

We haven't worked on anything like this for HFM though we are not opposed to it in the future, we haven't heard of much demand for it. Further, our company is focused on Essbase and we have significant domain knowledge with Essbase; that is not the case with HFM.
